List of Accepted Papers

Mobile Computing and Applications Track

SAC 2020

Regular Papers

Session: Mobile Computing and Applications

A Model-Driven Approach to Cross-Platform Development of Accessible Business Apps
Christoph Rieger, Daniel Lucredio, Renata Pontin M. Fortes, Herbert Kuchen, Felipe Dias and Lianna Duarte
University of Munster, Germany
UFSCar, Brazil
ICMC-USP, Brazil

Prongle: Lightweight Communication over Unassociated Wi-Fi
Otto Waltari and Jussi Kangasharju
University of Helsinki, Finland

A Game-theoretic Approach for the Multi-objective Frequency Assignment Problem in Mobile Networks
Fatma Laidoui, Fatima Benbouzid-Si Tayeb, Malika Bessedik and Fatima Zahra Laidi
Ecole Nationale Superieure d`Informatique, Algeria

Poster Paper

AppSpeedXray: A Mobile Application Performance Measurement Tool
Hyunsu Mun and Youngseok Lee
Chungnam National University, Korea